Treatment of Viral Infections: Is Viral Infection Serious?
Yes, it is extremely serious! One might say it’s deadly serious.
Biologists assert that there are over 9 billion different viruses in the world, with about a hundred known to be deadly (for example, the “Spanish flu” virus that killed 5% of the global population in six months in 1917; swine flu, avian flu, Ebola, the coronavirus from China — currently causing worldwide panic and quarantines. At any moment, a deadlyvirus could emerge, capable of decimating the Earth’s population, leaving us powerless. Vaccine development typically takes 1.5 years, while in such scenarios, we would only have days. Currently, there are no effective antiviral drugs, and this reality must be acknowledged.
What Should Be Done?
For patients with suspected severe viral infections, intravenous therapy with highly concentrated ozone should be conducted. This can serve as a weapon to quickly halt an epidemic. In cases of subacute viral infections like hepatitis B, C, Epstein-Barr virus, CMV, and Herpes Zoster, which destroy body cells, ozone treatment has no alternative.
However, killing a chronic virus is relatively straightforward — the greater challenge is purging the blood of decay products and antibodies. For this purpose, we use TEN PAS, which eliminates the virus while simultaneously filtering the blood. Transcutaneous ultraviolet light is employed to kill viruses and stimulate blood and lymph circulation. Ozone sauna treatment kills viruses in and on the skin, while intravaginal ozone therapy eradicates viruses in female reproductive organs. Local ozone applications (injections into joints and muscles) are also possible.
For subacute viral infections, autologous blood therapy and colloidal metal solutions are used to mitigate the consequences. Additionally, the intake of special preparations derived from mushrooms can help replace viral RNA. Our results have been positive to date, all patients who have sought our treatment have been cured.
Chronic Hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis is a chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diffuse liver disease of various origins, lasting more than 6 months, with varying degrees of liver cell necrosis and inflammation, without disrupting the lobular and vascular structure of the liver. It manifests as asthenovegetative, dyspeptic, and cholestatic syndromes, or their combination.
The most common cause of chronic hepatitis is a previously contracted viral hepatitis. The virus enters the blood through blood transfusion, inadequate sterilization of medical instruments, needle sharing, as well as through sexual and intrauterine transmission.
Currently, seven types of viral hepatitis are identified — A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Chronicity of the disease is observed in hepatitis B, C, and D. Hepatitis C is the most common. Superinfection with virus D on top of virus B significantly worsens the course of the disease. Predisposing factors to the chronicity of the disease can include immunological incompetence, immune deficiency, or cellular immunity disorders.
Ozone Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis
Most often, intravenous infusion of ozonated saline is used to treat chronic hepatitis. Intravenous infusions of ozonated saline can be substituted with rectal ozone administration or small autohemotherapy with ozone.
Ozone therapy can be used as monotherapy for chronic hepatitis or in combination with medication treatments. The therapeutic effect of ozone allows for a significant reduction in the use of expensive drugs.
Pathogenesis of Viral Liver Damage
The virus enters the cell and replicates, leading to the formation of antigens, accompanied by cell damage and death, triggering an immune response.
Antibodies are produced against the antigens, forming immune complexes that are excreted from the body. This stimulates enzyme activation and tissue inflammation.
Immune disturbances lead to the development of microthromboses and blood coagulation disorders. Microthromboses are accompanied by micronectroses, transitioning to secondary reactive inflammation.
Unlike viral chronic hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis results from toxic liver damage, where the degree of pathological changes is directly related to the dose and duration of alcohol intake. About 90% of ingested ethanol is processed by the liver, forming acetaldehyde, a substance with direct toxicity. As a result, hepatocyte necrosis, deposition of alcoholic hyaline, fat, neutrophilic infiltration, and fibrosis occur.
Antiviral Effect of Ozone
In the treatment of viral hepatitis, the antiviral effect is paramount. Ozone has a direct destructive effect on viruses. The neutralization of viruses is also achieved through the oxidative action of peroxides, which destroy viral cell receptors, preventing the virus from attaching to liver cells. As a result, the virus cannot penetrate the cell, and its replication cycle is interrupted. The replication process is also disrupted due to the splitting of the viral genetic apparatus by ozone.
Cells already infected by the virus are less resistant to the effects of ozone compared to healthy cells. These weakened cells are destroyed along with viruses at high ozone concentrations and are actively removed from the body.
Ozone enhances the body’s antiviral immunity by activating both cellular and humoral immunity (immunoglobulin production). Under the influence of ozone, blood cells (lymphocytes and monocytes) increase the production of cytokines, especially interferon, one of the most crucial factors in the body’s internal defense against viral infections. All these factors contribute to the suppression and elimination of the inflammatory process.